Here is a video link – What are the Levels of Reiki? 🌟
It is such an honour to be a Reiki Master Teacher. And I frequently receive & feel the question from students & those that are eager to learn. What is the difference in the Reiki Levels?
Going through the different levels in Reiki is quite the journey that you might not expect until you take a wider view of the journey.
Reiki Level 1 is a teaching & initiation for the self. Like a gift to support yourself as you learn more about energy, you & your energy, who you are. It is an awakening to the Universal Light Force energy that is all around us & within us. Being attuned to the Level 1 Reiki is for life, your auric field is opened up to receive Universal Light – Reiki through the body & your energy bodies so that you can receive & hold more light energy in your body. This level works on the physical body level. Each attunement is a powerful healing.
A new current of high vibrational energy is now with you always to support your journey & for you to be able to give Reiki Healings to friends, family, pets, plants your food & so much more. Learning how the Reiki energy flows through you & into another for healing, clearing the old energy, stuck energy or negative energy & activating new light force energy through another for transformation. You will become a channel for Reiki light.
But firstly it is for you to feel, to expand your energy & to feel the Unconditionally Loving support of Reiki through every cell & fibre of your being. Into your Aura & your Chakra’s. It is for you to feel, to connect with & have a personal & profound relationship with. It is from here that you will feel & see the changes in yourself & your life.
Being Reiki Level 1 attuned will activate & open your intuition further. And as you call on the Reiki energy to support you & guide you in meditations & self healing work that you can do. More Reiki light can house itself within you & you will feel lighter & your consciousness will expand. Divine messages will come to you & through you. This is also a powerful place for trust to grow stronger within you. And it will support you to clear obstacles within on a mental, emotional, physical & spiritual level. In that you will need to let go of doubting your intuitive skills, let go of negative self talk, realise your thoughts are a powerful tool to inspire & empower you. Asking yourself regularly how are my thoughts supporting me?
Reiki Level 2 is another level of expansion, of new energy levels through the body, energy bodies & Auric field. Now being able to handle higher frequencies of the Reiki light. The Reiki 2 attunement is bringing forth higher voltages & frequencies of light within you. It will clears & open any outdated mental & emotional programs or any blockages. This is a powerful process & after the attunement it can be several months for the detoxification & clearing to occur fully. This will happen naturally as you flow with the Reiki energy & being conscious of this process is very empowering to observe your growth & the wisdom that comes from the old. Activating your emotional intelligence & your higher mind consciousness. This is the journey of clearing old emotional & mental debris, past & present, so your future is clear with a higher frequency alignment to empower your connection with all.
In Reiki Level 2 you will be given 3 very powerful Usui Reiki Symbols to support your Healing work. To support your mental & emotional cleanse. And empower your every day life, manifestations & so much more. You will feel the next level of support from Reiki – Universal Light force energy, from your Angels & your Spiritual team. You will be connected deeply. A very powerful time.
You will learn how to do Reiki Healings using the 3 Reiki Symbols. And providing Healings via Distance, as Reiki has height, width, breadth & depth. It is so vast beyond our time & space! Your intuition will keep growing & growing the more you work with the Reiki energy supporting yourself your connection will be so abundantly supported to & you will be listening, feeling & accessing more Divinity.
As a Reiki Level 2 Healer you can become a Practitioner if you choose. Taking your Healing skills into the community to support others. This is very exciting & I personally practised so much so I would feel fully confident in the Reiki flow & myself, to allow all to come through & each time it would have me so awe inspired. Still to this day I am in AWE of Reiki & its Healing magnificence. You will know when you are ready & the Universe will nudge you. Be open to the signs. Be loyal to the process & have gratitude for each gift a Reiki Healing is. Such an honour in each Healing session.
Reiki Level 3 Master Practitioner Level is where you will experience Spiritual body changes. The detoxification & clearing from Levels 1 & 2 has been done. As a Reiki Master Practitioner you will now experience the connection of bliss. The bliss state. A growing self realisation & a pure state of Oneness with the Universe. After the Reiki 3 attunement most students experience is of sheer joy.
In the Reiki 3 Master Practitioner level you will receive 4 very powerful Symbols. Within these symbols is the key to activating your DNA strands, anchoring pure light, working on a deep Soul level. You will learn how to connect more explicitly with your multidimensional self. The all that is of you. Your intuitive skills will be heightened & you will experience great DNA shifts.
Your access to highest guidance for yourself & your clients will be clear & unwavering, as your channel opens up to a higher transcendent connection. You will feel in-tune & synchronicity will be evident. But always as much as you will allow it & the flow with your multidimensional you. You are empowered.
As you begin the Master level you are stepping into your true Mastery. You are ready to Master your energy & the Reiki energy as one. This will be felt & moved into everything you do. With a divine commitment & honouring of your light path, this will be felt on every level & in all of your experiences. Understanding that at Master is always mastering their way with the Universal Light force energy of Reiki connection as a direct stream within them. Such an honour.
Reiki Level 4 Master Teacher Level: To be a Master Teacher is a true commitment to Reiki & the deep desire & commitment to honour & share Reiki with others. With this honour to attune students to Reiki levels & teach them, reminding them of their connection to themselves through the Reiki energy is a true gift. To bring forth & anchor more light to our beautiful planet Mother Earth.
The joy of witnessing the attunements before your eyes is a very powerful process, as you the Master Teacher are bringing forth high voltages of Reiki energy into your student. Each attunment is a very powerful healing for the student & a lot of energy for you. After you will need to rest. The new level of energy coming into the Master Teacher in level 4 is incredible & light filling expansive. Extreme joy & abundant new beginnings!!
The first time your student does a Reiki Healing is such a wonderful experience. To hear their empowering stories of self healing & their own transformations is incredible. To observe your students connecting with new symbols & their personal connection to them & taking it further is so so magical. Anchoring in more light & celebration of why you teach Reiki.
You will learn how to plan a Reiki class for each of the levels. How to hold space for your Reiki classes & follow up groups. Attunements will be practiced & mastered under your teachers guidance. Your teacher will support you in your process thoroughly. To give a Reiki Attunement is a real honour. One that takes your breath away each time.
As a Reiki Master Teacher you will be given 7 Symbols. These are very powerful & are for healings as well as Teaching & Attuning. It is important as a Reiki Master Teacher to always be an authentic representative of Reiki energy. Coming from your Reiki experience & highest truth always. Commit to your practise always & empower yourself in regular meditations, self healings & deepening your healing journey connecting with the wisdom of Reiki aligned to your inner Light of you being. You will shine forth as your destined greatness, with unconditional love, compassion, peace & integrity. A journey that will feel magnificent & true. Such an honour to be passing it on to each & every Soul light.