Yes you…. You are more supported than you will ever know!
You are more supported than what you will ever know. Do you know that you have Universal support here for you, every minute of every second, of every day! Your Angels are here, your Spirit Guides, Ascended Masters & passed over Loved ones are all here & shining their love unconditionally upon you! Yes you!
Every living creature has a Guardian Angel, if not 2 or 3! And when we talk to our Angels, ask for help guidance they are there ready to give us love, support, assistance just as we are needing it. We connect in with these wonderful & amazing 5th dimensional beings of love through our Higher Consciousness. This is connecting to your Higher Self. Your Higher Self is part of you & will sound just like you because it is you. At first many of us can think it is our imagination or something we just made up in our heads, when we first get idea’s or inspirations through for ourselves. But this is your guidance, your Higher Self guiding you. Your Higher Self can see way ahead of time, knows whats for your Highest & best good & will only guide you to the most positive result, outcome & expansion for you.
If it comes through as a negative message or abrupt, it could be your ego or an impatient part of you. If you get the answer come to you before you have finished the question to your Angels, its a clear sign, it is your Angels. Spend some time asking for help, assistance & solutions that you are needing. Then speaking from experience, step out of the way & let the messages or guidance come through when it is ready. It might not be straight away, but know that you will get your message, sign, perfect solution, that is way better than what you could ever imagine come to you at the best time.
Know that you are surrounded by this loving Angelic & Spiritual support, know that & be ready to learn that your loving Spiritual team, or as I like to call mine my Spiritual Counsel, are here for you:
✨Loving you
✨Supporting you
✨Guiding you
✨Calling you, Calling you closer to where you are most meant to be, what you are most meant to be doing & what is for your highest & best good
✨Honouring you
✨Believing in you
✨Nurturing you
✨Appreciating you
✨Adoring you
✨Trusting you
✨Blessing you
And this list goes on & on. Your Spiritual team see your Heart, your dreams, wishes & desires. They are calling you toward fulfilling this in the biggest of ways & in smaller ways, step by step. Know that you are supported beyond what your mind can fathom. Know that you are being encouraged to have the most magnificent life, to live to realise your true potential & to reveal your gifts to yourself & the world. So… talk to your Guides, your Angels & all that make up your beautiful Spiritual Counsel, here for your highest & best good. Its always your time to shine!! ✨ Let yourself be supported.
How can you support yourself to open to the guidance you are given?
✨Be open to listen, listen with your Heart, you will know when it feels good its Angelic guidance.
✨Write down what you are needing help with. “Please guide me with…….. Thank you Universe!” Put the paper somewhere private, leave it for a period of time & guaranteed by the time you go back to that paper you will have most, if not all of what you were needing assistance with.
✨Spend time in nature, see how nature is supported & know you are the same
✨Look up to the stars every night & thank your Angels, your Spiritual Counsel for supporting you, loving you, guiding you & believing in you, know that you are loved & that lots of behind the scenes work is being done
✨Take time to slow your breathing down & set the intention to connect with your Angels that are currently around you, feel them, if you like you can ask them “please let me feel you are with me now” take a moment to feel around your body feeling into your Aura, feel their subtle love. Let them embrace you, you are safe.
✨Make a ritual of connecting in like the above suggestions & do this daily. This will bring great changes in your life & in trusting & opening your intuition.
✨Most importantly have fun with it!!! Angels & Guides have a great sense of humour too!
If you are wanting to assistance to be on your way with receiving messages & guidance, I can get you started with a Soul Path Reading.
Enjoy, feeling loved, adored & cherished! Because you are! xxxx