21 Days of Gratitude…
Let’s start the New Year off with intention! The intention to begin with a grateful Heart. Which will equal a full Heart & your energy vibration being uplifted & open! As we do this we attract wonderful new opportunities, love, joy & more to be grateful for into our lives.
Gratitude has changed my life in so many ways & that of my students too. So I offer this time of newness to open & expand your Heart to feel better than it did before. 2024 has been a very big year of challenges & change, within that its felt really tough or hard for some. I am here to offer you the opportunity to take a journey with me for 21 days to bring intentional gratitude into your days from the 1st January until 21st January 2025.
How will you 21 days of Gratitude help you?
- Uplift your energy as you write down the big or small things you are grateful for
- Support you in looking for things in your life, your day to be grateful for
- Gratitude is inspiring
- Gratitude raises your energy vibration
- Gratitude is a call to the Universe to say thank you, in turn the Universe will bring you more of that that you are most grateful for
- Gratitude shifts your consciousness to positive’s in your life
- Gratitude shifts you from victim thinking
- Gratitude is a stress reliever
- Gratitude will support you to feel optimistic
- Gratitude will support your sleep quality
- Gratitude supports you to feel calm & heals a tense nervous system
- Gratitude will allow a deeper exhale & inhale
- Gratitude opens your Heart to more love fuelled feelings
- Gratitude lets you see how supported in life you really are
- Gratitude shifts negative thinking to positive thinking
- Gratitude raises the vibration of love in your Heart
- Gratitude is known to lower blood pressure
- Gratitude opens you to feel more blessed
- Gratitude looks good, your aura will glow
And so so much more…. As we take this journey together I will take you into different levels of Gratitude, to expand your Gratefulness to feel deeper within you & more expanded in your life. The area’s of gratitude we will focus on will support you in self love, relationships, career/business, finances & so on, all working towards the desires you have for 2025!
Are you ready for some Heart expansive fun? I will be coming to you each day in video form, you will feel my gratitude & I will give some easy to digest examples, as these area’s of gratefulness will expand you into more! I promise it will be easy to add into your everyday plans & routines. You will enjoy it so much you will end up doing more! I look forward to seeing you there on the Heart felt journey of Gratitude!
Once you are all booked in, you will be added to a WhatsApp group, group energy is big & has a powerful ripple affect for more love to reach out to all. If you would prefer to not be included in the group, I will send you the Gratitude prompts individually.
See my 5 Tips to support change, shifts & levelling up! video
And if you are feeling the call to a longer program with me please see my – 7 Week Program – To be the Best Version of You 🌟